The registration and protection of trademark and patent rights under the law, along with the regulations governing them.
Legal steps and regulations required for startups and new business ideas.
Legal regulations governing copyright, authorship rights, design rights, licensing rights, and industrial property rights.
A branch of law concerning the legal regulations governing electronic commerce and the responsibilities of merchants.
These are legal regulations applicable to commercial companies, merchants, and the commercial relationships they are involved in.
A field of law that regulates sales, lease, and other contracts, as well as the specifics of debt relationships.
Regulations concerning advertising legislation applicable to advertisers and advertising recipients.
Legal regulations governing the employment contract signed between employees and employers.
A branch of law that regulates the competition between commercial enterprises and merchants during their actions and activities.
A branch of law that regulates the termination of marriage and the divorce process in front of the law.
A branch of law that regulates the distribution of the deceased's assets among their spouse, children, and other heirs.
A branch of law that regulates the leasing of goods such as houses, cars, and other properties.
A branch of law that regulates the punishment of acts defined as crimes in the law, including fines and imprisonment.